Mexico Tops List of Best Countries for Expats in 2024

By Jorge Chávez
Mar. 4, 2024

With the rise of remote work and the emergence of new visa programs, the dream of living abroad is more attainable than ever. For those considering an international move, Mexico has positioned itself as one of the best countries for expats, according to InterNations Expat Insider survey and the Live and Invest Overseas annual index.

Mexico has seen an increase in interest from families and digital nomads in recent years. In addition, the number of Americans who applied for or renewed residency visas increased from 17,800 in 2019 to more than 30,000 in 2022.

According to the Expat Insider survey, Mexico has consistently ranked among the top five countries for expats since 2014, reaching the top spot in 2023. Expats appreciate ease of settling in, a rewarding social life, and strong support networks. The country’s affordability and laid-back lifestyle are additional draws.

Cities like Oaxaca, San Miguel de Allende, Playa del Carmen, and Puerto Vallarta are havens for American expats, many of whom point to the low cost of living and highlight Mexico’s laid-back lifestyle as strong draws.

People looking for a permanent move can first explore a Temporary Resident Visa, which allows up to four years of legal residency in Mexico. Retirees can apply for a Permanent Resident Visa.

During the last few years, our country has experienced a considerable increase in the interest from families and digital nomads.