Jonathan Acosta, a representative of the financial group, gave a presentation at the 2017 edition of the Vallarta Real Estate Fair.
A few weeks ago, the 2017 edition of the Vallarta Real Estate Fair was held at the Rivera Molino Plaza, in the Romantic Zone. The event, organized by Timothy Real Estate Group, offered presentations by specialists on various industry topics, as well as information booths attended by representatives of real estate companies, rental agencies and financial groups, among others.
During the conference, Jonathan Jesús Acosta Rodríguez, a consultant with financial group Actinver, highlighted how the current situation in Mexico has generated favorable investment opportunities for the international market.
Chief among the factors he mentioned is the exchange rate between the Mexican peso and the US dollar, which benefits dollar-based transactions. And he noted several facts that augur a stable Mexican economy despite uncertainties in the global economy, such as the 4 percent growth in the Mexican stock exchange so far this year, the country’s economic reserves (about $175 billion dollars), the nation’s line of credit with the International Monetary Fund (about $84 billion dollars) and the government’s reduced reliance on oil assets.
“We are definitely not seeing a critical scenario in Mexico like that in Venezuela or Brazil, where inflation rates are higher. We believe that the measures that Mexican government has taken are working and will keep the situation under control. One of the benefits of Actinver for US investors is that it allows them to invest in dollars and keep their investment in dollars, which translates into certainty.” —Jonathan Acosta, Actinver representative.